How Do I Find a Human Resource Program That Participates With SHRM?

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Are you looking for HR programs with SHRM affiliation? If your career goal is to work in the field of HR, it is very important to choose a high quality degree program that meets the standards of professional associations within the field. Luckily for you, the Society for Human Resource Management is a reputable non-profit organization that is dedicated to raising the base for education in Human Resource Management. This means that you do not have to scour the Internet, research test scores and interview all of the faculty members that deliver the HR coursework to make the best selection. By choosing an SHRM affiliated program, you have peace of mind in knowing that the curriculum meets the higher standards set by SHRM and that the outcomes are superior to other programs. Here is your guide to finding programs that participate with the SHRM:

Check With the SHRM Directly

One of the quickest ways to verify whether or not an HR program is affiliated with the SHRM is to look for the SHRM chapters that exist through the society directly. By visiting the SHRM website, you can locate all of the 575 affiliate chapters and then start conducting research on only the programs where chapters exist. You know which state you plan on studying in and you can narrow down the list of chapters by state. Simply click on the drop down box, select your state, and click on find chapters. Then, the list will show the professional chapters, the chapter website, and contact information.

You can also look for HR programs directly and bypass contacting the professional chapters by visiting the SHRM HR Program directory. By visiting the directory page, you can search for BA, BS, BBA, MA, MS, MBA and other Master’s programs that have an SHRM affiliation. Only programs that meet the minimum standards of the society will be listed on the directory.

Check With the School Directly

If you have a specific school in mind and you would like to find out if that school is affiliated with the SHRM, you should contact the school and ask for the college of Business or the college where the HR Program is administered about the program’s affiliations. Most schools are also dedicated to listing the special affiliations and the credentials that separate the programs at the school from programs elsewhere. You can visit the Department’s webpage, select the college you are interested in, and look for information on the school’s accreditation and affiliation status. You can also contact the dean of the college or the administrative office to speak with someone direct.

Studying for your degree in HR with a school that is affiliated with the Society for Human Resource Management can benefit you in a number of ways. If you attend a school with a student chapter or a professional chapter, you will have peace of mind in knowing that advisors will act as your liaison so that you know which classes to take and which tools can help you perform. You can also gain access to information that you need to know to prepare to enter the field of HR. Get a competitive edge for when you graduate school, and take human resources program with SHRM affiliation so that you gain leverage.

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