What are Some Good Conferences for Human Resources Professionals?

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Conferences for Human Resources can really help professionals in all industries recruit new hires and keep up with all of the changes in state and federal regulation.

If you are interested in expanding your knowledge while you meet with others in the field who have a similar interested in career development, it is important to learn about the conferences that are being held around the globe early on.

The ATD International Conference and Exposition

The ATD International Conference and Exposition is an event where attendees from all across the globe are invited to attend training sessions or to sit and listen to some world-renowned speakers. Members of the Society of Human Resources Management are free to come and sit with more than 10,000 other members in Denver, Colorado.

The Annual Society for Human Resource Management Conference

The Society for Human Resource Management holds an Annual Conference and Exposition that is for professionals, faculty and students who have their own SHRM membership. This annual conference is the largest in the world and is designed to help companies thrive by giving the attendees the tools that they need to implement all of the best practices in the field. This year’s conference is being held in Washington D.C. and will provide attendees with educational opportunities, networking opportunities, and a platform where members can listen to the experts.

The HCI Strategic Talent Acquisition Conference

The Human Capital Institute, which is part of the Global Association for Strategic Talent Management, holds a very focused annual conference for CEOs and hiring managers who want to learn how to source, select, assess, and hire the best candidates for their organization. Since human capital is what pushes an organization and leads to profits, strategic talent acquisition is vital. Sit with expert speakers and you will learn what it takes to find the high performing employees that you need.

The i4cp Conference for Hiring and Training Leaders

If you do not particularly want to focus on talent acquisition but you do want to network with peers instead of vendors, you may want to consider the i4cp Conference. This is a must attend event where peers focus on how to find the best candidates and then also have to train these new hires so that they are able to perform.

There are conferences that are held for professionals in the Human Resources field that will serve the unique needs of professionals who hold all different titles at various stages of their career. The primary goal is for professionals to learn things they do not know and to network with peers they may have never met otherwise. Compare the pricing and the attendee requirements for each event so that you can highlight the ones you would like to attend. Once you have made your decision, you can start to plan travel for the conferences for Human Resources that will take you the furthest through the year.

See also: The 15 Cheapest Graduate Programs in Human Resources

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