What is Organizational Dynamics?

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Organizational dynamics is defined as the process of continuously strengthening resources and enhancing employee performances. It can also be described as how an organization manages and promotes organizational learning, better business practices and strategic management.

The Essential Elements

There are four fundamental business activities that contribute to an organization’s dynamics. First, planning requires management to structurally define departments and divisions. Managers set measurable goals that will define future actions and decisions. Organizational planning may involve inventory control, production scheduling, revenue forecasts and expense management. Managers use these plans as the actionable foundation for all their regular duties.

Second, goal execution involves implementing, evaluating and following up with expected deliverables. In order to accomplish this, managers must allocate resources and responsibilities to employees based on skills and schedules. Third, leadership involves hands-on, exemplary oversight that drives innovation, knowledge and performance. Fourth, resource control refers to how executives and management establish systems that gather data which is used to determine if goals are met.

Business Function Specializations

Every company will have managers who are responsible to monitor and control certain business functions. At the heart of an organization’s dynamics lies human resources management, which is concerned about optimizing employee performances. HR managers are trained to improve individual and organizational effectiveness through applying relevant behavioral sciences and HR management principles.

Project managers drastically impact a company’s dynamics and overall performance. Successful project managers will ensure quality through careful planning that addresses risk, communications and progress management. They also create open forums that empower vendors, employees and shareholders to share information. Project managers directly impact the financial health through financial monitoring and integrated cost controls.

An Industry Case Study

Within the procurement industry and supply chain organizations, employee and communication dynamics must be continually streamlined in order to avoid problems and increase program effectiveness. Procurement managers seek to create united cultures that share logistical goals and technology objectives. Every day, supply chain managers must engage in efficient source selection, inventory management and vendor monitoring. Alternatively, transportation managers must clearly understand regulatory requirements and shipper limitations in order to maintain adequate resources and product volumes. Every more challenging, international supply chain managers must successfully deal with cross-cultural and supplier issues within the global logistics environment. For instance, they may be required to manage the organizational dynamics of global hazardous materials shipments.

How to Learn Organizational Management?

Proper management of an organization’s business dynamics needs a formal education. Many students choose to study traditional degrees related to business leadership, management or administration. Others specialize in organizational design, development or management. All of these degree programs will expose students to common organizational situations, structures and challenges. Students will learn how to apply their personal leadership style to promote change, drive innovation and increase teamwork. Students will also learn appropriate decision-making skills for different business contexts and dynamics. These programs also teach students about group behaviors, change models and strategic management techniques.

In the end, proper management of organizational dynamics will increase quality control, cost savings, and productivity. It is also very effective with optimizing the professional development of staff.

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